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.. All about ‘Watercolour all Ways’ class. Where, When, Why and What. . . NEXT DATES 28 Feb, 7, 14, 21, 28 March

New Classes, New Challenge or just New.

Have you ever thought about painting and never found the right time, or wondered what you really can do with watercolour paint?

Classes are designed for anyone, any ability. Something worth thinking about. . .

Morning and afternoon classes take place at 17 Roseangle Gallery, Dundee.

Is New for you? Details below image. . .

‘ Paint and Lift – Watercolour all Ways ‘ classes are tailored to individual needs and designed for gaining confidence in using a variety of techniques, to improve individual painting skills.

From laying down washes to creating textures Liz will provide weekly tips, fun techniques and encourage you to experience and experiment with the versatility of watercolour. Whilst working on your own painting.

These friendly classes are aimed to boost morale and lift spirits through the activity of painting.

Suitable for anyone and all abilities welcome, especially if you’ve never touched watercolour before!

You may choose to learn new skills or continue to develop current skills, using watercolour media – watercolour paint, pencil, bars, ink, and more. . .

‘ Watercolour all Ways ‘ classes take place on a Friday at Rosengle Gallery, Dundee.


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